Tue, Feb 27, 2024 | 10:00 AM CST | 04:00 GMT

Live Webinar

How to Hire Someone from a Pre-Vetted Pool of Community Backed by Industry

Join us and discover how this innovative approach can help you streamline your hiring process and find the top talent you need!

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About the Webinar

How to Hire Someone from a Pre-Vetted Pool of Community

Are you struggling to find the perfect candidate for your open positions? Look no further! This event will introduce you to a unique hiring solution that leverages a pre-vetted pool of talent from a community backed by industry experts.

In this session, you will learn:

  • The benefits of hiring from a pre-vetted talent pool.
  • How the community vetting process ensures high-quality candidates.
  • The different ways to access this pool of talent.
  • How to leverage industry expertise to find the perfect fit for your team.


Join us and discover how this innovative approach can help you streamline your hiring process and find the top talent you need!


Saddam Hussain

Head of Staff Augmentation

Safa Mariyam

ESG analysts

What you will learn



  • Welcome attendees and introduce the speaker.
  • Briefly explain the challenges of traditional hiring methods.
  • Introduce the concept of a pre-vetted talent pool. 


Benefits of Hiring from a Pre-Vetted Pool

  • Reduced time and resources spent on recruiting.
  • Increased quality of candidates.
  • Improved fit with company culture.
  • Access to diverse talent pool. 


The Community Vetting Process

  • Skills assessments.
  • Experience verification.
  • Reference checks.
  • Industry-specific evaluations.


Accessing the Pre-Vetted Talent Pool

Discuss different ways to access the talent pool

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