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Ransomware: Response and Recovery


Ransomware attacks have enhanced with ever evolving technology. Security breach that endangers sensitive information of an organization can cost millions of dollars. With global pandemic state, more people are working remotely outside the corporate firewall which provides a window to the attackers to jump and exploit an organization. They heavily encrypt and lock the files then demand a ransom to release the files and recover the infected system. Ransomware generally spreads through phishing emails, spams, unidentified links and infected websites that infiltrate the network. No one is immune to ransomware, every industry sector has been attacked in the past, irrespective of the size of the organization. Here are ways in which affected party can respond to the ransomware: 

  • Quarantine the Infected systems: Preclude the infection from diffusing all over the systems by separating all the affected systems from the infrastructure. 
  • Recognize the Infection type: Gather all the evidence against the infection and utilize the identification tools to define the malware issue.  
  • Address the issue: Inform the appropriate authorities that can provide effective measures to handle the attack. 

  • Explore the solutions: Cybersecurity authority will lay number of options before your too deal with the attack. Pick the best one for you.  
  • Recover the data: Layout a secure plan and meticulously use resources to revive the data. 
  • Prevent relapse: Assess the glitches in the system and know how the malware penetrated the system and what prevention steps can be taken to avoid reoccurrence. 

Most organizations have planned a backup strategy for such unforeseen situations. The assured way to deal with ransomware after the recovery of system is to completely wipe out all the data from the infrastructure and use the isolated backup to revive the data. This action will eradicate every bit of malware left in the system. Follow the below stated steps to respond and avoid future attacks: 

  • Recovering from ransomware often drains your resources and funds. It is better to take cyber-insurance policy immediately so that you can get help from cyber specialist in future.  

  • Report the attack to cyber authorities so that many organizations like yours can be saved from your attacker.  
  • Beware of the companies that claim to revive your data because they might act as middleman and extract their share from both the parties.   
  • Do not provide access to confidential information to anyone in the company. Let it be in the hands of authorities only.  
  • Cybercriminals use phishing mails, instant messages or social media to target individuals associated with organization. To avoid this, organizations must organize cybersecurity safety drills and seminars to create awareness among the employees and associates. 
  • Identify the vulnerable aspects of your infrastructure because attackers may penetrate your system through them. Use effective measures to strengthen those aspects.   

  • Make use of anti-virus softwares to block the malwares. Create comprehensive offline backup files frequently and store them in isolated locations. 
  • Maintain cyber hygiene, while handling operations in the organization. 

It is impossible to be immune to ransomware completely. But organizations can opt above stated measures to walk on a safer side.  

iSmile Technologies is one of the best cyber security agency in US, Checkout at Designrush

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