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Step-by-Step Process for Scanning Container Images Using Trivy

In recent years, containerization has become a popular method for packaging and deploying software applications. One of the benefits of using containers is that they can be easily scanned for vulnerabilities before they are deployed to production environments. In this blog post, we will be discussing the step-by-step process for scanning container images using Trivy. Trivy is a lightweight, straightforward vulnerability scanner for container images and other packages. It is designed to be easy to use and can be integrated into various workflows. In this post, we will go through installing Trivy, scanning an image, and interpreting the results.

1. Installing Trivy

The first step in using Trivy is to install it on your machine. Trivy can be installed using a variety of different methods, including as a binary, as a container image, and as a snap package. For this example, we will be installing Trivy as a binary. 

To install Trivy as a binary, you must have Go installed on your machine. Once Go is installed, you can use the following command to install Trivy: 

get -u 

This will download and install Trivy on your machine. You can then run the trivy command to begin scanning images. 

2. Scanning an Image

Once Trivy is installed, you can begin scanning images. You must use the trivy command followed by the image name to scan an image. For example, if you want to scan the image “nginx:latest,” you would use the following command: 

trivy nginx:latest 

This will scan the “nginx:latest” image for vulnerabilities and return the results in the terminal. 

3. Configuring Trivy

While the above command will work for a basic scan, various options and configurations can be used with Trivy to customize the scanning process. For example, you can specify a different output format, specify the severity level to scan for, and more. To see a list of all the available options for Trivy, you can use the following command: 

trivy –help 

This will display a list of all the available options and their descriptions. 

4. Interpreting the Results 

Once a scan has been completed, the results will be displayed in the terminal. The results will show the vulnerabilities found in the image, including the severity of the vulnerability and the package that is affected. Trivy uses the Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) system to identify vulnerabilities. Each vulnerability will have a unique CVE number that can be used to look up more information about the vulnerability. In addition to the vulnerabilities, Trivy will also show the packages installed in the image and their versions. This can be useful for identifying outdated packages that need to be updated. 

5. Remediation 

Once the vulnerabilities have been identified, the next step is to take action to remediate them. Trivy provides a variety of different options for remediating vulnerabilities, depending on the severity of the vulnerability. Trivy recommends updating the affected package to the latest version for low and medium-severity vulnerabilities. This can be done by updating the underlying operating system’s image or package. Trivy recommends taking more drastic action for high-severity vulnerabilities, such as removing the affected package or replacing it with an alternative package. 

It is essential to keep in mind that simply updating or removing packages may not thoroughly remediate the vulnerability. In some cases, additional configuration changes or patches may be required. It is also essential to test the image after making any changes to ensure that it continues to function as expected. In addition to remediating individual vulnerabilities, it is also essential to implement a regular scanning and patching process to ensure that new vulnerabilities are identified and addressed promptly. This can be done by setting up a continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipeline that includes vulnerability scanning as a step. 

Need help on DevOps operations?

Our experts can guide you in scanning container images through Trivy.


In this blog post, we have covered the step-by-step process for scanning container images using Trivy. Trivy is a lightweight and easy-to-use vulnerability scanner that can be integrated into various workflows. By installing Trivy, scanning an image, configuring the scan, interpreting the results, and taking action to remediate the vulnerabilities, you can ensure the security of your container images before they are deployed to production environments. 

At ISmile Technologies we see DevOps as a no-touch CI/CD driven software delivery approach which believes that a single integrated delivery function from requirements to production will provide higher business value. Schedule your free assessment today.

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