Automotive software service provider for OEMs – 2 weeks POC

iSmile Technologies provides Self Driving Car Software using Azure Cloud, DevOps, Azure IoT Hub, etc., to accelerate the opportunities of the full MCVP development.

In today’s market, most vehicles have a level 2 autonomy, with only a few businesses having a level 3 or 4 autonomy. By developing software linked to SAE level 3 autonomy using Azure Cloud, DevOps, Azure IoT Hub, etc., iSmile Technologies hopes to contribute to this market.  

We bring a wide set of capabilities and solutions, from UI/UX design, telemetry management, advanced diagnostics, blockchain, virtual assistants, Edge IoT, AI, smart mobility.  

The software will include the following basic features: 

  • Pedestrian detection   
  • Stop Sign detection   
  • Lane Detection   
  • Obstacle Avoidance  
  • Object Avoidance   
  • Lane departure warning  
  • Vehicle following and collision avoidance  
  • SOS feature  

Along with that, we will also address advanced industry’s issues to come out with a product that meetup everyone’s expectations, such as: 

  • Radar interference  
  • Vehicle to vehicle communication   
  • Vehicle security  
  • Weather conditions  
  • Unmarked roads

Plan of Action

Week 1:  The first week of this engagement will be dedicated to presenting MCVP and the Azure requirements and collecting all requirements and priority use cases.  

Week 2: We will focus on their application to the target architecture and their configuration in the second week. The resulting POC will be presented and delivered at the end of week 2.  

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ISmile Technologies delivers business-specific Cloud Solutions and Managed IT Services across all major platforms maximizing your competitive advantage at an unparalleled value.

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